Living Room Conversations square logoJOIN CIVILTALK in our next participatory adventure with Living Room Conversations into the Land of Zoom, inspired by Ms. Christine Wenrich and LWVBAE, Tuesday, August 25 from 3-4:30 PM. Get your ticket by  the deadline, which is 6 PM on August 22! The link to join will be sent the morning of the event on August 25. Email media@lwvbae.org if you experience any technical difficulties or have tech-related  needs.

This is a land where we can listen with our whole selves, where we can feel heard and respected, even with complex or controversial topics.  Mr. Joseph Healy, Jr, and Ms. Marybeth Falzareno help establish rules of engagement before we dive deeper into ZoomRooms to explore, in small groups, both risks and rewards inherent in the details of the current push to begin altering relations between police and their communities.

All points of view are encouraged to speak up, recognizing that the best solutions come from considering all sides. We’d like to hear your experiences and perspectives.

Pre-registration is required for this free online event. The number of participants are limited. Go to Eventbrite: HERE.

See a report of an earlier Police-Community CivilTalk Meeting.

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