Energy sparked globally by the Jan. 21 Women’s March continued to bubble forth for Prop. 13 Reform and other Progressive causes during March. [Want to join the campaign: go to the Team Meeting Sat 15 April at 10 am in the League office at 2530 San Pablo Ave. or contact Ruby Macdonald.]
Co-Sponsor Sen. Holly Mitchell: At the CA Budget and Policy Center Conference in Sacramento March 2, Senator Holly Mitchell [right in photo] affirmed to Lee Lawrence from LWV Diablo Valley [center in photo] and Civics Education/Reform Prop. 13 Team Leader Ruby MacDonald of LWVBAE [left in photo] that she and Senator Nancy Skinner would definitely co-sponsor a revival of the expired State Constitutional Amendment introduced in 2015 by Sen. Mitchell and then Senator Loni Hancock.
In a conference panel on the CA budget moderated by KQED’s Marisa Lagos, Senator Mitchell — now chairperson of the Senate Budget Committee – and Assembly Member Phil Ting – now chairperson of the Assembly Budget Committee – expressed concerns over managing potential budget deficits and stressed the need for public engagement with these matters, which would greatly help legislators in addressing them. Nevertheless, both Mitchell and Ting struck a confident note reminiscent of Governor Jerry Brown’s recently asserted faith in California’s ability to weather coming budget problems, including those posed by the new Federal administration.
Local Assembly Member Tony Thurmond: Civics Ed/Reform Prop. 13 Team members, Esteem Brumfield, Ruby MacDonald, President Deborah Malbec and Helene Lecar (left to right in group photo with Assembly Member Tony Thurmond), attended the Open House hosted by Assembly Members Thurmond, Rob Bonta and Senator Nancy Skinner on March 2. Team members thanked Thurmond for his tireless efforts, especially on behalf of under-served communities, and asked for his support in Reforming Prop. 13.
Co-Sponsor Sen. Nancy Skinner: President Deborah Malbec and Ruby MacDonald met Senator Skinner to thank her for her co-sponsorship of the bill to Reform Prop. 13 (see photo).
Deborah and Ruby spoke with Senator Skinner before the showing of the film “13th” on March 4. The film showing was sponsored by West Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia and the LWV of West Contra Costa County. The audience of about 400 people at DeAnza High School responded emotionally to the award winning documentary film on continuing anti-African American racism.
For more on LWVBAE’s work to reform prop 13, go to the Team’s page here.
Next Meeting of the Team Sat. April 15 at the League office at 10 am.
Ruby MacDonald,
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