You’re Invited to Redwood Energy’s 10th Zero Carbon Retreat! Thursday January 21st and Friday January 22nd 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (PCT). Register today via Zoom, free of charge. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i8Fbnt7wQ3WFiBhddKyaCQ
Redwood Energy is a Zero Net Energy Specialist in Multifamily Housing.
“It’s time again for the biannual Zero Net Energy Retreat! Whereas the previous 3 events were held in Arcata and Trinidad, this time it will be a cyber experience. We hope to attract professionals and enthusiasts from further reaches of the state, US and beyond, since there will no longer be a geographical barrier to entry.”
You will learn about electrification of buildings, an important step toward reducing the use of natural gas. This very informative retreat will be lead by Sean Armstrong of Redwood Energy. He is well versed in the electrification of buildings,. Sean is also well spoken and entertaining.
–Eric Arens, Climate Team Leader
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