Fall Meeting: Police Oversight and Accountability

Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 7pm The League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville invites you to attend our Fall Meeting that will feature the panel discussion Police Oversight & Accountability in Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville . The evening starts with the panel, 7-8/8:15 PM, right before our meeting for LWVBAE members.

Fall Meeting panel
Katherine Lee, Ismail Ramsey, Ge’Nell Gary, Gregory Downs. and Scott Donahue.

Our panel includes city leaders who have been actively engaged in either creating oversight structures or can speak to police oversight in their communities. Panelists are Berkeley Police Accountability Board (PAB) Interim Director Katherine Lee and Chairperson Ismail Ramsey; Albany Mayor Geā€™Nell Gary and Gregory Downs, both members of the city’s Community Task Force on Policing; and Emeryville Vice Mayor Scott Donahue.

After the LWVBAE moderator asks the panelists to respond to a series of questions to educate our members and the public at large, attendees will be invited to seek answers as well. The theme of the evening’s discussion follows the LWVBAE’s advocacy for the PAB last election, and ongoing work to track criminal justice/legal system issues in our cities, along with Leagues across the state.

Sign up here to reserve your seat today! We invite you to become a member to join us in efforts to educate ourselves, our community, and affect needed political change on the local level.

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