Work on Prop. 13 Reform this Sat March 18, 10:30am

'Make' It Fair logoJoin the Civics Education Team Sat, March 18, at 10:30 am in the League office, Suite F,  2530 San Pablo Ave in Berkeley to work on public and League education and lobbying for Proposition 13 Reform. Closing loopholes in the Prop.13 way of taxing commercial property to make them more fair would bring millions in new funding for schools and local government. New members and potential members most welcome. Contact Ruby MacDonald at for more info.  Newcomers welcome to observe and participate.

Projects  in  2017:

Crucial to the decline of Civics Education in public schools has been lack of funding!  Although cities like Berkeley have successfully fought for funding of education, many school districts across California have been unable to withstand the decimation of their budgets by Proposition 13.  The Civics Education Team will promote awareness of the need for legislative Reform of Prop. 13, supported by LWVC, by outreach to our community, as well as to local Leagues around the State.

To learn more, go to the Team’s webpage by clicking here.

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