League Scored Successes this 2018 Election Season Reports LWVUS President

Chris Carson, LWVUS President 2016-18

Chris Carson,
LWVUS President 2016-18

Yesterday [Election Day] was a historic day. More women elected to office than ever before. The first Muslim and Native American women, the first black woman from New England, the first Latina women from Texas—all elected to Congress. Record high voter turnout for a midterm election. Voting rights expanded, with redistricting reforms and expanded registration passed in at least six states.

All year long, League volunteers across the country have been registering voters, reaching out to tens of thousands of candidates to provide more information on VOTE411.org [and Votersedge.org in CA] than ever before, and hosting hundreds of debates and forums so that voters could learn about the issues and engage with the politicians looking to represent them.

And on Tuesday we turned out the vote!

I am so proud of this organization and our dedicated network of volunteers, supporters, and engagers. Thank you for sharing our resources. Thank you for registering voters. Thank you for asking your friends and families to make an Election Day plan. And thank you for turning out and getting it done!

Now our work continues.

Together, the League will continue our work to create a more perfect democracy so that ALL Americans enjoy the same liberties and freedoms.

With your help, we will register more new voters, provide more nonpartisan information on candidates, and host more debates and forums in future elections.

We will continue to raise the voices of those least heard in this country—communities of color, the young, persons with disabilities, and people with limited income.

Our democracy is truly strongest when everyone participates and has their voice heard. Yesterday, voters made huge steps toward full participation. But we still have so far to go.

We look forward to continuing our work together.

Chris Carson

Chris Carson


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