Housing Discussion being taped. Adena Ishii moderating and Xavier Johnson of the Berkeley Housing Advisory Commission speaking. Videographer – Christine Schwartz
We began with a Business Meeting which included the introduction of the New Management Training Advisor, Ellen Wheeler, a report on the League’s 2018 Activities and Updates, discussion of Student Membership Dues, and a vote to approve/amended Articles of Incorporation.
This was followed by a delicious lunch.
And afterwards the program: ‘The State of Housing’ which consisted of a panel of representatives from Bay Area housing organizations. The panelists were Rev. Sophia DeWitt, Program Director, East Bay Housing Organizations, Xavier Johnson of the Berkeley Housing Advisory Commission, Paola Laverde, Berkeley Rent Board, and Brad Wiblin, Executive Vice President Bridge Housing Corporation. They spoke on the history of housing in Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville, the current related ballot measures, and what comes next.
The full Program Kit as a PDF is available here Fall Meeting Kit 2018.
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