Bay Area Board Briefs 10-18-21

Board Meeting of October 18, 2021

The first on a series (through 2021-22) of Bay Area Community Conversations presented by the Bay Area League will be on November 30 from 12:00 to 1:00 via Zoom.  This will be a Brown Bag Lunch Dialogue on Environmental Justice, featuring a discussion with leaders from APEN (Asian Pacific Environmental Network), and BARHII (Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative). They will examine the unjust and unavoidable disparities that impact communities of color, the elderly, children, and those unable to afford food, quality shelter, fuels for cooling and transportation, or alternatives to contaminated drinking water. Solutions, and how League members can advocate in their communities, will be important questions to be discussed, with possible answers.

Additional note:  There will be an optional period from 1:00-1:30 for League members to remain on the call if they choose to discuss their priorities, and to talk with each other and to LWVBA leaders about other topics they wish explored with future Community Conversations.

Register for the November 30 Community Conversation here:  HYPERLINK “”

Bay Area League Day is planned for Saturday, February 19, with the theme of “Solving for Housing”. The event will take a holistic look at land-use planning involved in placing housing. A Board committee has been formed, and local League members interested in housing are urged to help plan the event by contacting League Day Chair Danielle Crider at Suggestions for topics and speakers are welcomed. We’ll be looking at the intersectionality of housing with climate change and natural hazard planning, and the financial implications of housing placement. The event is likely to be offered in the “hybrid” fashion we’re becoming used to, with attending-in-person or via on-line remote connection options. We’re getting the word out regarding the date, to try to avoid other League scheduling conflicts.

BAL Board meetings will continue to be held virtually, with in-person meetings scheduled periodically. Meetings are now held at 5:00 pm on the third Monday of each month, and may be “attended” via Zoom.  Here’s the link for all the Board meetings: 


The Bay Area League signed on to a letter drafted by the Greenbelt Alliance in support of the final draft of Plan Bay Area 2050, addressed to the Metropolitan Transportation Commissioners and the Association of Bay Area Governments Executive Board. Before agreeing to be a signatory to the letter, there was a discussion in agreement of the opinion that not enough is being done in regard to equity, particularly regarding the needs of those with disabilities, and that more needs to be done about these issues.

A Communications Director is being sought to fill a seat on the Bay Area League Board.  Interested people may contact Nominating Committee Chair Ann Draper at  HYPERLINK “”

The LWVBA Board is aware of the Coal by Rail situation in the North Bay, and will be discussing at the November 15 BAL Board meeting the possibility of recommending to the national League that the issue of “coal/hazardous materials by rail” be addressed at National Convention as a potential topic of study.

All League News