Bay Area Board Briefs 1-17-22

Bay Area League Day will be held February 19, fully remotely via Zoom, from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. The theme is “Solving for Housing”. The event will take a holistic look at land-use planning involved in placing housing. A special notice was sent on January 27 to all Local Leagues that included full information about topics and speakers.

Bay Area League Convention will be held this year on Saturday, June 4. This event is held every two years (in the alternate years, there is a “Council”). This year, the Convention will occur via Zoom, virtually. One of the main purposes of the Convention is to elect the Bay Area League officers and Board of Directors for the program years 2022-2024. The Nominating Committee is interested in hearing from League members who would like to be considered for these positions. Ann Draper, the Committee’s chair, would be delighted to hear of such interest, and she can be contacted at

• Suggestions are welcome for future Community Conversations. They can be sent to An upcoming Conversation will feature a discussion of the necessity for the League at all levels to “speak with one voice” when an issue involves multiple levels of government, and how to go about shaping a coordinated response.

The CalTrans feasibility study of the proposed expansion of the SMART Train will be presented to the public in May. The Bay Area League is coordinating with the California League to follow this, and the Bay Area League continues to follow the Resilience Hwy 37 Project.

The next Bay Area League Board meeting will take place on Monday, February 21, 2022 at 5:00 pm,. The meetings continue to happen virtually. The link for all the Board meetings: .

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