Volunteer Opportunities

We can do it poster image.Here are some ways you can help the League do its work.

Interested in one of the following Positions?

Communications Coordinator:

Manage the communication strategy for the league which currently includes the web page, the quarterly VOTER, publicity press releases, the weekly eBlast, and the calendar.

Update the Comm Team volunteers on events to be posted and their priorities, and help them coordinate their activities.


Membership Team: chaired by Jinky Gardner  membership@lwvbae.org

Program/Events Committee: , program@lwvbae.org

 Office Administration: chaired by Suzanne Chun  suzanne@gcdesign.com

See also our long term committees which will always accept new members:

Climate Change
Environmenal Concerns
Voter Services
Independent Activities/ Committee Chairs and members needed:

Volunteer Coordinator/Team: Contact and schedule volunteers to staff LWV events. This position reports to the Program Director and works closely with the Membership Team.

Social and Networking Coordinator: Organize social and networking events for the League including happy hours and mixers. This position reports to the Program Director and works closely with the Communications and Membership Teams.

Fundraising Coordinator/Team: Manage outreach to donors and organize fundraising events. This position reports to the Program Director.

eBlast Editor:  Produce the weekly eBlast of League and local activities using MailChimp software and the League Calendar. (Software is web based)  Takes about 2 – 3 hours/week done on your own using your personal computer.

Tabling:  Organize and arrange LWVBAE tabling efforts at street fairs and other public events such as Solano Stroll, National Voter Registration Day,  Berkeley Streets, Juneteenth, etc. program@lwvbae.org

Government Watchdogs:  attend committee and board meetings wearing your League button, Write a brief report (under 100 words) and submit it to media@lwvbae.org

Photographers:  many – if you attend an event, please take photos and share them with media@lwvbae.org

Town/Gown Coordinator:  establish and develop relationships with the University Community.

Community Choice Energy Monitor:  Community Choice Energy (CCE) allows public agencies to purchase electricity on behalf of customers, as an alternative to investor owned utilities (like PG&E). The goal of a CCE (which is also called community choice aggregation or CCA) is to provide cleaner, greener, and more local electricity to customers.  Alameda County and the city of Berkeley are studying the possibilities of doing this.  LWVBAE needs a member to participate in the study and keep our membership informed. * just filled by Janice Blumenkrantz*  Thank-you Janice.

Outreach:  Keep in contact with Religious groups and other Civic groups  such as NAACP, BOCA, etc.