The November 2006 Election

November 7, 2006 Election Returns

Alameda County

State of California


Ballot results via SmartVoter

Local Candidates

Berkeley City Council, District 1

Berkeley City Council, District 4

Berkeley City Council, District 7

Berkeley City Council, District 8

Berkeley Mayor

Berkeley School Board

Ballot Measures

The League’s recommendations on California and Berkeley ballot measures.

Pros and Cons for Albany and Berkeley

State Ballot Proposition Analysis

The League of Women Voters of California posted its non-partisan, detailed analysis of the propositions appearing on the November 2006 General Election Ballot. 

The Pros and Cons for each of the state ballot measures.

The Easy Voter Guide for the November 7th election.

Prop. 89 (The Clean Money Initiative) is supported by the League of Women Voters.  You did not see TV ads arguing for it because the campaign was unable to raise the money necessary to purchase time to run them.

Mock Election 2006

The Mock Election was held on Tuesday, October 24, 2006. To see how Albany High’s results compare to those statewide and to General Election results. 

Read about why young people say they don’t vote.