Energy Efficiency Zero cost – puts money in consumers’ pockets
- Energy use: vehicles, aviation, buildings, infrastructure
- Energy transport: transmission, Unified National Smart Grid
- Energy efficiency standards (e.g. aggressive mileage standards)
Global Price on GHG Emissions Put the market economy to work
- Carbon tax, charge or fee, cap and trade (or auction), carbon offsets with strong controls
- Government cannot be exempt from GHG limits and prices
Clean Energy Economy Opportunity for jobs
- Renewable generation – solar, wind, tides, new ideas
- Standards for biofuels
- Enforceable limits, real goals (e.g. 100% clean energy in 10 years)
- Clean energy transportation infrastructure
Portfolio of Technologies Research underlies progress
- Government support – incentives (or disincentives), funding, tax credits, market creation
Our Personal Choices Resources are finite
- Build a new social norm – move away from consumerism, excess
- Use less, buy locally, reuse/recycle
A Global Solution Alone we make little difference
- Common global goal, developed countries lead the way
- Fair and sustainable global burden-sharing
- Peace reduces greenhouse gases
- Protect biodiversity; enhance climate-friendly agriculture and land-use practices
Adapting to Climate Change Ease Consequences
- Minimize economic impact from global warming legislation
- Aid ecosystems vulnerable to harm from global warming
- Ease consequences of climate related hardship to low income households