Want to make suggestions or learn about plans about how the City of Berkeley will spend $100 million to improve existing city infrastructure and facilities? Come to the meeting this Saturday, April 8, from 10 am to noon at the Tarea Hall Pttman South Berkeley Library, corner of MLKing Jr Way and Russell St.
The public will have the opportunity to discuss plans for Measure T1 $100 Million to Improve Existing City Infrastructure & Facilities. Included in Staff’s December 22 recommendation to Council is: “Old City Hall and the Veterans Memorial Building ($300,000): Conceptual Design Staff recommends allocating T1 funds to conduct a visioning process to determine the best future use of Old City Hall and the Veteran’s Building. These are large civic buildings which have substantial capital upgrade needs. A conceptual design process would help the City determine a direction for future capital improvements to restore and secure the facilities, and maximize their community benefit”
For background on the T1 Ballot measure, click here.