Berkeley’s Fair Elections Proposal for Public Campaign Financing:
Small Donor Matching Funds
Our national League position on campaign finance stresses that public funding combats corruption and undue influence, enables candidates to compete more equitably for public office, and promotes citizen participation in the political process.
Last year’s board – led by President Nancy Bickel and Action Coordinator Carol Stone – supported public funding at the local level in a letter to City Council. This local measure would extend opportunities to those with limited resources and would expand the national discussion of limiting big money in politics. Qualified candidates who commit to receiving donations only up to $50 from individuals – Berkeley residents – could receive matching funds from the City at a six-to-one ratio, not to exceed certain limits depending upon the office. (Note: Current Berkeley limit on campaign donations is $250 per donor per candidate per election.) Please see the LWVBAE’s Letter to the Berkeley City Council regarding the Make it Fair proposal.
At a special November 10, 2015 meeting, the Council will discuss the proposal reviewed by the Fair Campaign Practices Commission.