Past League Board 2015-16

Nancy BickelNancy Bickel, President

The League trained Nancy in her profession as a writer and producer of election television programs and, later, award-winning documentaries for the League and others. After joining the League in 1976, she served as Publicity Chair and, later, on the Board, and joined the League team producing programs at KTVU. On behalf of the League, she helped set up the local public, educational and government cable organization, Berkeley Community Media, and then served as BCM’s chair. She returned as League President from 2001 to 2004. In 2012, she rejoined the Board as communications coordinator; She was elected President in June 2013. Contact Nancy at


Christine WenrichChristine Wenrich, Secretary

What a treat to be elected Secretary! In fitting with my librarian instinct for order, my plan is to record the news and outcomes of entertaining LWV discussions. I will tactfully put in writing the salient details and decisions for future reference. I am grateful to have an opportunity to learn about our democratic political process with the League.
Contact Christine at


Sarah Miyazaki - Treasurer Sarah Miyazaki, Treasurer

A Berkeley resident since 1967, Sarah is former Berkeley Unified School District kindergarten teacher and a retired Enrolled Agent who prepared tax returns. Mother of a son who attended Berkeley’s Washington and Longfellow schools and a grandmother of four good looking children, she is  the current President of the YWCA Berkeley/Oakland board and of the Berkeley Branch of AAUW, a choir member (alto) at Northbrae  Community Church and former treasurer of the LWV Berkeley Foundation. She has been happily married to Jay for 45 years. Contact Sarah at


Lessly-Wikle-Field photoLessly Wikle Field, Director

I became a LWV-BAE member at 23 to be an active participant in democracy and to pursue my passion for educating voters.  Now, almost a quarter of a century later, I am excited to have an opportunity to take that passion to a new level.  I look forward to developing and executing new strategies to engage the hearts and minds in the wonders of the League for a wide age range of future members.


Deborah MalbecDeborah Malbec, Director

My main claim to fame is my production of the weekly email blast. I have been a member of the Oakland and West Contra Costa County Leagues before relocating to Berkeley.  For the past 2 years I have been active on the Voter’s Services and Communications Teams.    This will be my first service on the Board for the League, although in the past I served as Vice President of the Half Moon Bay AAUW.


Phyllis Gale photoPhyllis Gale, Director

Phyllis joined the Board as the Voter  Services Coordinator after volunteering with LWVBAE Voter Registration activities for the 2012 Presidential Election.  She recently retired from the University of California where she worked for 29+ years supporting research scientists in proposal development and award management.  For the last 10 years she was also a programatic database manager supporting sponsored research.  She worked both on the Berkeley campus and at the Lawrence Berkeley Natioinal Laboratory. She has a BS in Poliitical Science from Southern Oregon University where she first registered voters, voted and was a poll watcher. Contact Phyllis at


photo Jill Martinucci

Jill Martinucci, Director July 2015-March 1, 2016

Returning to the League after a several-year hiatus, I look forward to working on local environmental issues – housing, development, transportation – through the League’s emphasis on voter engagement.  The League has traditionally been a trusted and fair voice on our community, particularly during election cycles, and I am excited to insure that continues.


Diz Swift PhotoDiz Swift, Director

I have been the Voter and Web Editor, founded, with Janice Blumenkrantz,  our Climate Change Team and served a few years ago as Action Coordinator on the Board. I am  the primary voice behind the new website Price on Carbon.  I trained as a scientist (PhD geology) retired from over 30 years working primarily for Chevron in minerals and oil & gas exploration and production in many different capacities and at various levels of management. Until I retired in 2004, I didn’t think that climate change was a “real” problem. Since retirement I have been studying climate change, and now understand how serious the situation is.  To share the information,  I now lecture on the risks of climate change, its causes and potential solutions, especially working to build an understanding among other skeptics. For the past 5 years I have lectured on climate change and its impacts on business at the NYU Stern Business School and  to other universities and other groups.

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