A free conference on “The Future of Higher Education:Creating Opportunity, Assessing Value” will be presented on Friday, April 7, from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm at Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, at UC Berkeley. Panel topics will include: “Responses to Disinvestment in Public Higher Education: What is to be Done?” with Henry Brady and Carol Christ of UC Berkeley among others; “Investing in Higher Education: Research Universities, Innovation, and Economic Impact” and “Assessing Value: The Worth of a Higher Education for Individuals.”
Sponsors include: the Institute of Governmental Studies and Institute for the Study of Societal Issues. Co-sponsored by the Center for Studies in Higher Education, the Graduate School of Education and Cal Alumni Association.
Members of our local League were among the many Leaguers who participated in the California League study last year of higher education.The Position in brief is: