Community Policing
At the State League of Women Voters convention in Pasadena in June 2019, local league delegates voted to add a Community Policing Position to LWVC’s present set. This new document grew out of the Los Angeles League’s many years of monitoring their justice system, fueled by interest that a sharp LWVBAE member created at the 2017 convention. The adopted Position Statement serves as a guideline for local leagues when determining their community’s requirements.
Right-to-Know laws allow citizens to observe public meetings and to use the information gathered for education and advocacy. Each league, however, must have a written position statement that creates their focus of concern. Then, as example, the local league can write formal letters to express opinions and solutions. At present LWVBAE’s Position only includes Juvenile Justice.
Now, LWVBAE members are studying local issues and planning to observe meetings in order to determine the areas of interest. Generally, this work is followed by selecting parts of the LWVC Statement that will be applied to LWVBAE’s Position. To learn more, take a look at this bibliography. If you are interested in taking part, send an email to Join the league at