Healthcare Team

Hank Abrons & Stephen Vernon

Hank Abrons and Stephen Vernon

Hank Abrons
Stephen Vernon
Meetings: Generally the 2nd Tuesday at 7 PM. Check the League calendar to confirm.

Join us here over Zoom!

What we do

The Healthcare Team is a forum for learning and discussion on healthcare reform. In 1993, the LWV adopted a position on health care that remains aspirational. Interested League members at many levels are striving through education and advocacy to fulfill the League’s position. The Health Care Team intends to participate in this effort in collaboration with other Leagues.

  • Team history
    The LWVBAE Health Care Team was an active participant in statewide efforts to support the California Universal Healthcare Act (SB 840) and successor bills from around 2006 until 2013 when comprehensive health reform legislation failed to get re-introduced. The Team was reactivated in January, 2021.
  • National League position
    Promote a healthcare system for the United States that provides affordable access to a basic level of quality care for all U.S. residents, including behavioral health that is integrated with and achieves parity with the physical health care system. (A Guide to Public Policy Positions 2020 – 2021. Page 15: Healthcare Summary.)

See The League Calendar for details.

For information contact: Hank Abrons