Albany MEASURE Q1 2016

Administrative Changes (Filling Vacancies in City Elective Offices, Police and Fire Pension Board, Copying Fees, and Gender Neutral Wording)

Simple majority vote required

The Question:  Shall the Albany City Charter be amended to authorize the City Council to establish procedures for filling a vacancy in an elective office by appointment, permit quarterly meetings of the Police and Fire Pension Board and change eligibility requirements for Board members, authorize the City Council to set fees for copies of official records, make the language within the Charter gender neutral, and make numerous other administrative, technical and clarifying changes?

The Situation/Proposal:   The purpose of this measure is to bring up City Charter and other business practices in line with State Law and/or other accepted business practices.

Fiscal Effect:   Unknown

Supporters Say:   City charter must up kept current with State Law and other accepted business practices.

Opponents Say:   No arguments were filed by opponents.

A “Yes” vote means:  The City Charter and other administrative procedures will be brought up to date.

A “No” vote means:  The City Charter and other administrative procedures will NOT be brought up to date.